Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Welcome to the AuthorIsland Chatters CookBlog! Established November 28, 2007 in honor of all of the great recipes that were shared during the All Day Holiday Chat! This is a private blog for members of AuthorIsland to share recipes and tips for making them better. The site will be changing over the next few days, so please bear with us as we work out the template.

Things To Keep In Mind:

* Each recipe will be labeled. If you think I have mislabeled please leave me a comment or send an e-mail so that I can fix it.

* To the right on the sidebar, you can search recipes by their label. I hope this helps simplify things for everyone! (Some recipes will be put under multiple labels if I'm having trouble figuring out where it fits best *g*)

* I have tried to make sure that credit is given to the correct recipe poster, but if I misrepresent, I apologize and ask you let me know!

* We will continue to add to the database, so if you have a favorite recipe you'd like to share, please send us an e-mail!

Thanks Guys,



Ellory said...

great job. Thanks for taking the time to do this.

Robin S. said...

WooHoo - looking good already!!

robynl said...

you are so kind to do this for everyone; thanks so much.

escondita said...

Excellent, Charity! Thanks so much!


Julia/ escondita said...


I am in awe! Wonderful job and I can't tell you how much I and I'm sure all who were partying at the Holiday Chat appreciate this!

Guys, I'm seeing this as something we'll have to do again!

Again, thanks for all the hard work and YOU ARE THE BEST!

Lis said...

The blog looks great :) Thanks for doing this!