Friday, February 1, 2008

Second Recipe Round-Up Complete!

Hey Islanders! Just wanted to let you know that all of the recipes from the Second Author Island Recipe Round-Up and Chat have now been added to our blog. That brings us to a total of 137 recipes collected over just the span of TWO chats! WOW!

The blog is now set to Public, no need to be invited, just come on over and check it out. Please feel free to comment on any of the recipes - let us know if you've tried it, added to it, subtracted from it, or any other changes. We want to know how great these recipes are and any tips or tricks you have used to make them even better! Please note that you do NOT have to be a registered blogger to comment, anonymous comments are accepted, as are nicknames.

Also, please note that I have tried to give credit to the poster of each recipe. If it is an author, the name will be clickable and it will take you straight to their website. You can find these at the end of each recipe.

I'm sure that I have made mistakes, and for those I apologize. PLEASE, if you see one of my boo-boo's, please comment on that post so that I can fix it.

Thanks so much to DeNita for putting these wonderful chats together. Thanks so much to the authors that share their wonderful stories with us (and recipes). And lastly, but no where near least(ly) thanks to all of the READERS that make these chats so very much fun!

Take Care


Loretta said...

I think you have done a wonderful job of putting this blog together for the authors and readers.I bet it was a job to put everything into a catagory. I would like to have you add my blog to the readers. Still doing some work on trying to put it together. It is
Thanks so much. said...

Got ya added Loretta! Thanks for the props! It wasn't that tough to do at all, I'm glad that everyone finds this place so useful. I know I've tried a few of the recipes and they haven't disappointed!